Team > Caitlin

Caitlin Scholl

Social Media Coordinator at Midtown

Passionate About

Video games, my dog, and hockey!

Inspired By

Powerful women

Guilty Pleasure


Favorite Spotify Playlist

Work harder not smarter

Hi there! My name is Caitlin and I am the Social Media Coordinator here at TCB! In 2022, I graduated from Sacramento State University with a BA in Communication Studies. My passion for communication led me to choose this field of study as I believe it’s an essential skill that we use every day, whether it’s through verbal or nonverbal communication. My interest in mass communication and PR inspired me to pursue a career in social media. For me, social media offers the perfect opportunity to represent a company while engaging with their audience on a personal level. I find it fulfilling to express my creativity through content creation while fostering connections with followers. Social media is not just about posting photos and captions – but also about creating meaningful conversations and building relationships with our followers. I find joy in trying reach our full potential by leveraging the power of social media!