Conditioner v. Hair Masks: 2 Convincing Reasons You Need Both


With so many hair products on the market, it can be confusing as to which ones are essential in order to keep your hair in its best state possible- we know that shampoo and conditioner are deemed the bare minimum, but what if we told you that hair masks are just as important? Hair masks can often-times be overlooked because it’s difficult to find the difference between your day-to-day conditioner and a hair mask. So, we’re here to break down the differences and tell you why they are both equally as important! 

Let’s talk conditioner! 

Conditioner is something that is much more familiarized and incorporated into our hair routines. Conditioner contains larger molecules of ingredients than hair masks, which keeps it from nourishing the hair inside out. The sole purpose of conditioner is to focus on the outside layer of the hair, aka the cuticles. While it will do a great job of adding shine and softness, it isn’t going to provide the same benefits that a hair mask will. 

Now onto hair masks…

A hair mask usually contains smaller molecules of its ingredients and because of this, they are able to penetrate much deeper into the hair, all the way into the cortex to be exact. The cortex maintains the overall structure and strength of the hair, which is why it is so important to make sure that you are incorporating a deep conditioning mask into your hair routine to maintain the integrity of your hair. Deep conditioning masks are results-driven, so you will really notice the overall health of your hair come back to life in doing so. 

Now, do you need both for healthy hair? To keep it short and sweet– yes, you do. The two products serve different purposes but are equally as beneficial for your hair. While conditioner is the surface level option, it is necessary to keep your hair healthy and shining on a daily basis. On the contrary, deep conditioning masks penetrate deeper into your hair, providing an abundance of hydration from the inside out. 

Being that masks are often times much thicker than your typical conditioner, over-usage can weigh your hair down over time. This is why we recommend using a conditioner every time you wash, and swapping it out for a deep conditioning mask every one to two weeks depending on the condition of your hair; meaning the more damage, the more often you’ll want to replenish your hair with a mask. 

With such a saturated market, we know it can be overwhelming to find the products that will work best for your hair type, so we compiled a list of our favorite conditioners and masks for each individual hair type. 

You can purchase all of these Davines products directly from our website! Pro-tip: place your order before noon for same day FREE shipping! We hope this post helped answer all of your questions regarding the differences between conditioners and masks.